The Ridiculous Bonnet: A Lesson in Go Big or Go Home

May 29, 2013 - comments
Another just because project, I got it into my head recently that I needed a late 1780s/early 1790s bonnet. Not a demure regency bonnet but a massive mushroom of a hat. I will admit this thing was a little overwhelming when I first put it on, but looking at my Pintrest board of inspiration images, I do think the scale is right. Sometimes it’s hard to get past our modern sense of proportion and embrace the crazy 18th century.


Filed under: 1790s, hats

Revisiting an Old Favorite

April 10, 2013 - comments
In my original wardrobe plans for Williamsburg I had intended to make several new day outfits, but time got away from me and ended up pulling out my wavy print jacket and petticoat to wear instead. I have to say I’m really glad I did! When prepping for an event, it’s easy for me to get into the mindset that everything I wear needs to be new, so I often forget how much I enjoy rewearing favorite costumes. My events are so few and so spread out that it feels almost obligatory to make something new every time, but I’m resolving this year to focus on quality over quantity and make things I truly love and am proud of the construction.


Dressing Up A Straw Hat

May 27, 2012 - comments
Let me just preface by saying hats are not my forte. I don't actually enjoy making them from scratch, so more often than not I just dress up a straw base.

