Another just because project, I got it into my head recently that I needed a late 1780s/early 1790s bonnet. Not a demure regency bonnet but a massive mushroom of a hat. I will admit this thing was a little overwhelming when I first put it on, but looking at my
Pintrest board of inspiration images, I do think the scale is right. Sometimes it’s hard to get past our modern sense of proportion and embrace the crazy 18
th century.
What do you do when you need a creative recharge? Oftentimes for me the best way is to make something just because – no deadlines, no events, no plans, just the joy of making a garment and giving myself full creative freedom.
My 18th century wardrobe full of pretty, pretty princess clothes – silk and frills galore – but not much in the way of practical clothing. If I’m being honest, lower class clothing just doesn’t appeal. But after I made my brown wool petticoat, I knew I needed another jacket to go with it, something I wouldn’t be afraid to get dirty or messy. Enter the teal ikat jacket!
When it came time to construct something to wear underneath my riding habit jacket, I admit I was a bit stumped. There just isn’t that much information out there to the casual researcher about what exactly was going on beneath those habit jackets. Finally, I settled on the idea of a separate shirt to wear over my corset and shift but under the waistcoat like a man’s shirt.