2019 Costume Year in Review

January 6, 2020 - comments
While I did make several new 1790s dresses, 2019 was the year of altering existing costumes, whether it was to make them fit better or to just change them up to feel new. I would like to continue this trend in 2020, as well as to make a dent in my ever-growing stash. Read more...

Filed under: year end review

2018 Sewing Year in Review

February 9, 2019 - comments
I’m rather late with my year end review but I realize these are mostly for the author anyway. Its really nice to have a list to look back on every year and remind yourself that you were actually productive. Read more...

Filed under: year end review

2017 Sewing Year Review

January 12, 2018 - comments
Time for the annual year-end review. This was a bit of a lean year in terms of sewing and creativity for me, but I’m very proud of everything I made. My goal over the past year, like previous years, has been to focus on quality not quantity, and I feel that it showed in my work. That’s not to say that everything I made it perfect, but I actively tried to grow my skills and choose to redo things until I was happy with the result. Nothing like practice to keep you sharp. Read more...

Filed under: year end review

2016 Year in Review

February 11, 2017 - comments
Remember me? Seriously, long time not post. It’s been well over a year since I’ve written anything on here, but I’m hoping to be a bit better about that in 2017. Read more...

2015 Sewing Year End Review

January 31, 2016 - comments
Happy 2016 everyone! I do realize the last day of January is rather late to post a year end reivew, but since I haven't actually made a blog post since August, I'm not doing too bad.  It felt like I barely sewed anything this past year, but looking at it all written out, I was actually decently productive considering how much my arm has bothered me. I've spent the last couple of months with a new round of doctor visits, tests, and physical therapy, and I finally have a concrete diagnosis for my arm issues - cubitial and carpal tunnel in my right arm. Woo! It's nothing I haven't suspected for a long time, but having positive test results has helped the doctor and therapist formulate a better treatment plan. No scarey surgery for me yet, thank goodness, but I do have to be very careful how I treat my arm. But enough of that. On to sewing!

Filed under: year end review
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