More On My New Pink "Paste" Necklace
It's no secret that I have a weakness for jewelry. What girl doesn't? For years I've dreamt of  having a color paste necklace to wear with my 18th century outfits, but sadly all the antique or vintage ones I've found have been way out of my price range.

Posted: 8/27/2012 10:26:22 AM by Aubry | with 0 comments

Costume College Saturday: Rose Francaise at the Gala
Ah, the Gala! The main social event of Costume College, the Gala is where you bring out your biggest and best costume of the weekend. In theory, at least. :)

Posted: 8/22/2012 5:31:15 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

Costume College Saturday: Fantasy Roman Loungewear
During the day on Saturday, a group of dressed up in fantasy Roman Loungewear. The idea was to have a comfy costume to lounge in by the pool. It didn’t have to be historically accurate, just fabulous!

Posted: 8/22/2012 3:41:53 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

 Costume College Friday: Cream Spotty Dress
Here’s another outfit I finished last fall, but didn’t have a chance to wear until Costume College - my cream spotty bodice, peplum and skirt!

Posted: 8/21/2012 2:36:42 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

Costume College Friday – Victorian Naturalist

After Sara and I taught our class on Friday at Costume College, we changed into our Victorian naturalist or explorer outfits to have quick photo shoot in the wilderness behind the Woodland Hills Marriot.

Posted: 8/21/2012 1:53:20 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

A 20s Day at the Beach
Continuing the Costume College recap…
The day after our trip to the Huntington Library, we decided to head to the beach – in 20s bathing suits, of course!

Posted: 8/21/2012 12:33:19 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

 20s Tea at the Huntington
On the Wednesday before Costume College Megan, Katherine, Sara, and I dressed in our best 20s summer frocks and headed to the Huntington Library and Gardens for tea.

Posted: 8/19/2012 1:50:21 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

In case you aren’t familiar with it, Costume College is a 3 day conference focusing on all things costuming, from historical to movie to theater. During the day there are a variety of lecture and workshop classes taught by volunteers and the evenings are full of fun social events. Not only is it a great opportunity to get dressed up and see friends and fellow costumers, you also have ample opportunity to learn! Coming to L.A. from the other side of the country it’s quite an expensive trip for me, but I’ve gone five times now and it’s totally worth it!

Posted: 8/19/2012 1:32:31 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

I've been home from the epic California adventure that was Costume College 2012 for nearly a week now, but I've been struck down with some particularly vicious con crud. I've spent most of the past week in bed, but I did manage to upload my event pictures here.

Posted: 8/14/2012 11:30:59 AM by Aubry | with 0 comments

