Late 1780s Pink Linen Stays

October 21, 2017 - comments
When I decided to take my first Burnley and Trowbridge workshop last year, I knew I wanted a new pair of stays. M my older stays didn’t fit my body as nicely as before, and I knew I would need something more comfortable to wear during the three days of fittings. Also, I wanted to experiment with a later style of stay. Inspired by several extant examples of pale pink and beige stays from this period, I decided to make a mid to late 1780s pair with front lacing and wide curved front piece using some lovely linen from my stash. Read more...

Filed under: 1780s, 1780s: stays

Golden Almond Stays

October 3, 2013 - comments
Look! I’ve actually been productive despite my lack of posts.


Filed under: 1780s, 1780s: stays

