Costume College 2017 - What I wore

August 23, 2017 - comments
And now for what I wore!

Costume College 2017 - Some Thoughts

August 23, 2017 - comments
Another Costume College has come and gone! This year marked my 9th CoCo, but my 10 year anniversary! It’s hard to believe that I once had the courage to fly across the country by myself to meet up with a bunch of strangers, but I did, and that first trip (and subsequent trips) introduced me to some of my closest friends. It’s funny to think how much Costume College has changed in the past ten years. Its grown significantly, with so many people and amazing costumes both during the day and at the official evening events, that it can be very overwhelming to a quiet, shy person like myself, even after all these years. Read more...

Filed under: Costume College, events

Costume College 2015 – Sunday at Lost Hope

August 9, 2015 - comments
Ever get a wild hair and decide you need a new outfit in the week before an event? Of course not, because you are sensible costumers, unlike me. With only 5 days to go, I decided make a Lost Hope dress in time for Costume College. I'm a huge fan of the novel Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (and very pleased with the TV series too), I had the perfect fabric in the stash, and I just couldn't miss the opportunity to make something from one my favorite stories and join in on the group fun.

Filed under: 1790s, Costume College, Fantasy

Costume College 2015 - Saturday

August 7, 2015 - comments
I was tired very tired Saturday morning so I didn’t dress up, saving my energy for the evening's Gala instead. Read more...

Filed under: 1780s, Costume College, events

Costume College 2015 – Friday

August 7, 2015 - comments
Originally I didn’t think I would be able to make it work this year, but my husband surprised me with a last minute trip to Costume College! With less than a week to plan, I had to pull most of my wardrobe from what I already had, but luckily I had plenty of things I was happy to wear again. Read more...

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