Costume College Plans and Instagram

May 13, 2014 - comments
Not much sewing has been going on around here lately. I’ve been busy with my garden and yard work (that time of year), as well as finally stripping some hideous wallpaper in my house. I also pushed myself too hard prepping for the Francaise Dinner and Williamsburg and have had to take a break from sewing to let my arm heal. But Costume College is just around the corner, and if I want something new to wear I’m going to have to get cracking!


Plans for 2014

January 13, 2014 - comments
So what is on the agenda for 2014? I’m still plugging away on the riding habit, but I have to put it aside for now to start a new project.


Setting Goals

September 5, 2013 - comments
I’ve been decidedly unproductive since coming back from Costume College. You could say after all I made in the past year I’m allowed to take a break, but the truth is without any upcoming deadlines my inspiration is all over the place.  So I thought I would list out some things that I hope to accomplish in the next few months and that will hopefully keep me motivated.


Drinking the Kool-Aid

August 12, 2013 - comments
I wasn’t going to participate in Kendra’s crazy court gown project. I really wasn’t. Read more...

