Costume College Friday – Victorian Naturalist

August 21, 2012 - comments

After Sara and I taught our class on Friday at Costume College, we changed into our Victorian naturalist or explorer outfits to have quick photo shoot in the wilderness behind the Woodland Hills Marriot.


Victorian Naturalist Jewelry

December 3, 2011 - comments
Ok, let’s talk Victorian Naturalist jewelry. I have a few pieces I've collected over the past year which will work perfectly for my outfit.

Finished Victorian Naturalist Blouse and Skirt

November 14, 2011 - comments
Way back in September, I finished the blouse for my Victorian naturalist, but because I’m lazy it took me almost 2 months to make the buttonholes and sew on the buttons. This is what happens when I don’t have a deadline. ;) Read more...

Victorian Naturalist Accessories: Specimen Jars and Spyglass

October 9, 2011 - comments
The next few accessories I have to show you aren’t antique, but they were so perfect for my naturalist costume that I couldn’t pass them up. Read more...

Victorian Naturalist Accessories: Microscope and Slides

October 7, 2011 - comments
Continuing the series, the next accessory I picked up for my Victorian naturalist outfit is a really cool antique field microscope and set of antique microscope slides. Read more...

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