McCall’s 6503

July 14, 2015 - comments
In my day to day life I wear dresses almost exclusively. They are easy to wear and make one look put-together with minimal effort, because while I enjoy nice clothes, I am lazy and don’t want to have to think beyond “what color cardigan will go with this dress?”  Sometimes I buy my dresses, sometimes I make them, but whenever I find a style I find particularly I end up with multiples of the same dress, in different colors or fabrics. Again, I’m a lazy dresser. Why only have one dress that makes you feel confident when you can have one for every day of the week? My wardrobe may be predictable but I love to wear everything in it.

Filed under: modern: dresses

My Summer Wardrobe, Part 2

July 3, 2013 - comments
And I'm back with the second installment of what I made for summer! I bet you all are thrilled. :)


Filed under: modern: dresses

Stocking My Summer Wardrobe

June 27, 2013 - comments
In keeping with the theme of getting myself ready for Costume College, my modern summer wardrobe with in desperate need of an update. I have very little that actually fits anymore, so I buckled down and made myself some cute new dresses (and a skirt).


Filed under: modern: dresses

Hi! Remember Me?

July 22, 2012 - comments

Wow! Its been over a month since my last post. I apologize for the radio silence over here, but life will not slow down it seems. Between travel, work, and power outages, my sewing room has turned into a sweat shop as I've been frantically prepping for Costume College. With a little over a week until I leave for the convention I'm finally starting to see the light at the end of the sewing tunnel, so I thought I would share a quick dress I made last month. 


What else I've been up to...

March 26, 2012 - comments
In between working on my Titanic stuff, I also made two new spring/summer dresses. Every year around this time I get the itch to make some pretty new warm weather clothes, and despite the fact that I already have a closet full of dresses in this style, I couldnt help making two more. Plus, I plan to wear these on an upcoming England/Paris trip and I cant resist making a new outfit for vacation. :)


Filed under: modern: dresses

