My First Burnley and Trowbridge Workshop

October 31, 2017 - comments
Early last November, I made the seven-hour trek down to Williamsburg to attend my first Burnley and Trowbridge workshop, “A Fitting Jacket”. I’d been interested in them for years, but never worked up the courage to attend. Either the timing didn’t work for me, or I was too intimidated to sign up. Of course, I shouldn’t have worried. It was challenging in some ways but in the end, it was a wonderful experience.

Filed under: 1780s, conferences, workshops

Millinery Through Time Highlights

April 3, 2014 - comments
I was thoroughly impressed with my first conference experience at Colonial Williamsburg, last month’s 60th anniversary celebration of the Margaret Hunter Millinery Shop. The presentations were interesting and well-researched, and I came home inspired, my brain buzzing with new information and ideas. Obviously, I can’t share all of the speaker’s hard work on my blog, but I can talk about a few of the program highlights.


Filed under: conferences

