And the CADD Continues - New Spotty Bodice
So we switch from the 18th century to the 19th! I told you the CADD was running rampant around here. I was inspired to start on a new bodice for my spotty dress. I had a little over a yard left of the spotted silk and while I love the original dress, I just dont enjoy things around my neck like that. Plus, I love the idea of having multiple bodices for the same skirts. Its very economical. ;)

Posted: 10/25/2011 4:07:37 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

18th Century Teal Short Cloak
I've been having a hard time deciding what to work on lately. You see, I have a very bad case of CADD (Costumer's ADD). I dont have any pressing deadlines so I have to motivation to stick with one project. Its a weakness, I know. With that in mind, I started my latest finished project on a whim one day last week. I suddenly had a strong urge to make a fancy 18th century short cloak. I wanted something that would be nice for spring or fall. A quick rummage through my stash and this is what I came up with:

Posted: 10/20/2011 2:44:34 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

Monday Pretties - 10-17-11
This is so cool!

Posted: 10/17/2011 9:04:19 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

Monday Pretties - 10/10/11
And we are back to the pre-Raphaelite inspiration:

Posted: 10/10/2011 8:04:15 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

Victorian Naturalist Accessories: Specimen Jars and Spyglass
The next few accessories I have to show you aren’t antique, but they were so perfect for my naturalist costume that I couldn’t pass them up.

Posted: 10/9/2011 1:56:20 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

Victorian Naturalist Accessories: Microscope and Slides
Continuing the series, the next accessory I picked up for my Victorian naturalist outfit is a really cool antique field microscope and set of antique microscope slides.

Posted: 10/7/2011 11:58:09 AM by Aubry | with 0 comments

Monday Pretties - 10/3/11
Sorry for the silence here and missing last week's Monday Pretties. My husband had a work conference in Denver, CO, so we decided to make a week of it and enjoy some time in the city and the mountains.

Posted: 10/3/2011 6:01:12 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

