Aqua Francaise Portfolio Page Finished
I'm happy to say I finished another portfolio page. Check out my aqua francaise:

Posted: 8/28/2011 7:11:13 AM by Aubry | with 0 comments

Victorian Naturalist Skirt Finished
Despite an injured arm, I did manage to draft a pattern for my Victorian Naturalist skirt and get the skirt to wearable state this week.

Posted: 8/25/2011 4:31:04 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

Spotty Underwear
I've added another page to the costume gallery.

Posted: 8/20/2011 7:55:13 AM by Aubry | with 0 comments

Victorian Naturalist Inspiration
As some of you may know, one of my upcoming projects is a Victorian natural historian. This will be my twist on steampunk. No gears here, just lots of neat accessories - antique microscopes and slides, field guides and journals, specimen jars and a magnifying glass.

Posted: 8/16/2011 10:19:06 AM by Aubry | with 0 comments

The Spotty Dress

Posted: 8/14/2011 6:24:34 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

Posted: 8/14/2011 10:19:48 AM by Aubry | with 0 comments

