2015 Sewing Year End Review
Happy 2016 everyone! I do realize the last day of January is rather late to post a year end reivew, but since I haven't actually made a blog post since August, I'm not doing too bad.  It felt like I barely sewed anything this past year, but looking at it all written out, I was actually decently productive considering how much my arm has bothered me. I've spent the last couple of months with a new round of doctor visits, tests, and physical therapy, and I finally have a concrete diagnosis for my arm issues - cubitial and carpal tunnel in my right arm. Woo! It's nothing I haven't suspected for a long time, but having positive test results has helped the doctor and therapist formulate a better treatment plan. No scarey surgery for me yet, thank goodness, but I do have to be very careful how I treat my arm. But enough of that. On to sewing!

Posted: 1/31/2016 12:00:32 PM by Aubry | with 0 comments

