Because We All Need More Purses in Our Lives

June 18, 2012 - comments
And continuing with the catch-up post theme, here is a little reticule I made recently. When I was still planning to wear 1790s to Dress U, I decided I needed a proper purse to hold all my crap. At the time, I only had one brown velvet reticule to use at events, and without the advantage of 18th century pockets, you really need a place to stash things like your cell phone, camera, money, etc.


Filed under: 1790s

Not One, But Two New Coral Necklaces!

June 10, 2012 - comments
I’ve always wanted a coral necklace to wear with my 18th century and Regency costumes. I blame Felicity. American Girl fans will understand that Pleasant Company has a lot to answer for!


Filed under: 1790s, jewelry

More New Costume Pages

January 16, 2012 - comments
I'm on a roll! I added four more costumes to my portfolio page:

Filed under: 1780s, 1790s, 1840s

The Millionth Spotty Dress of 2011

December 29, 2011 - comments

How many polka dot dresses does one girl need? Well, if you are me, about a million! Before Christmas I started a new mid-1790s white gown. My old one is covered in brown stains, the casualty of a leak in my costume closet (but thankfully one of the few casualties), so it was time for a new one! This time I picked a spotted cotton from the stash that I had originally earmarked for a summer bustle gown. The fabric has raised dots but I choose to use the back side for a more subtle look. Read more...

Filed under: 1790s
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