Costume College 2015 – Friday

August 7, 2015 - comments
Originally I didn’t think I would be able to make it work this year, but my husband surprised me with a last minute trip to Costume College! With less than a week to plan, I had to pull most of my wardrobe from what I already had, but luckily I had plenty of things I was happy to wear again. Read more...

I’m a sucker for accessories.

December 18, 2012 - comments
Since my current sewing progress is rather boring (new shifts are not exactly thrilling blog material), I thought I would share some of my most recent accessory finds. You know one of my favorite parts of costuming is spending hours on eBay and Etsy searching for just the right thing to complete my outfit. I can’t help it. It’s an addiction.


Victorian Naturalist Jewelry

December 3, 2011 - comments
Ok, let’s talk Victorian Naturalist jewelry. I have a few pieces I've collected over the past year which will work perfectly for my outfit.

Victorian Naturalist Accessories: Microscope and Slides

October 7, 2011 - comments
Continuing the series, the next accessory I picked up for my Victorian naturalist outfit is a really cool antique field microscope and set of antique microscope slides. Read more...

Let's Talk Accessories

September 21, 2011 - comments
I have to admit that I’ve gone a bit accessory-happy with this outfit. I’ve spent way too much time and probably too much money scouring eBay for the perfect additions to my outfit. I have found some really cool stuff, both antique and modern. In fact, I have so much stuff that I’m going to have to break it up into several posts. To accessorize this outfit my rule of thumb has been “what would a naturalist carry in the field?”


