New 1780s Stays Complete!

November 20, 2012 - comments
When we last left off, I had just scaled up and fitted the 1780 stays pattern from Corsets and Crinolines. Now, after a few minor setbacks, my stays are complete!
In a perfect world these would be hand sewn, but time constraints and physical ability can’t be ignored. I want to have these and the dresses to go over them finished in time for my Williamsburg trip in March.

Riding Habit Petticoat and New Stays

November 5, 2012 - comments
Did you think I’d forgotten about my riding habit? I promise I haven’t, but lately I’ve been suffering from a severe case of CADD (Costuming ADD), jumping from project to project like a spastic puppy. However, despite my lack of focus, I have managed to finish the petticoat.


October Outerwear, Part 2

October 22, 2012 - comments
Obviously, one new cloak isn't enough!


October Outerwear, Part 1

October 17, 2012 - comments

Fall is here, and with it chilly weather, so naturally my thoughts have been turning to warm clothing. In my current wardrobe, I have my teal silk mantle, but that’s not good for rain, and a cardinal red wool cloak that clashes with all my outfits.  Clearly I need some new outerwear for my upcoming trip to Wiliamsburg in March.


First Piece of My Williamsburg Wardrobe Finished!

September 28, 2012 - comments
My wardrobe for my upcoming Williamsburg visit is coming along swimmingly and I'm happy to report that I have my first finished piece - a new brown wool petticoat.


Filed under: Williamsburg Wardrobe
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