Most of a Waistcoat

December 13, 2012 - comments
While waiting for the regency stays and card party dress fabric to arrive, I’ve been plugging away on my riding habit; this time tackling the waistcoat.


Cream Pelisse Finished

December 6, 2012 - comments
Have you ever had a project that seemed simple in theory, but fought you every step of the way?


New 1780s Stays Complete!

November 20, 2012 - comments
When we last left off, I had just scaled up and fitted the 1780 stays pattern from Corsets and Crinolines. Now, after a few minor setbacks, my stays are complete!
In a perfect world these would be hand sewn, but time constraints and physical ability can’t be ignored. I want to have these and the dresses to go over them finished in time for my Williamsburg trip in March.

1780s Riding Habit Scheming

September 14, 2012 - comments

I've wanted an 18th century riding habit for as long as I can remember (my childhood obsession with Felicitiy's riding habit being mostly to blame), and it’s been on my costuming bucket list for far too long. Since I will be visiting Williamsburg in the early spring rather than the brutally hot summer this year, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to finally make one! 


Costume College Sunday: Mauve Robe en Chemise

September 1, 2012 - comments
Continuing with our Costume College recap, on Sunday I wore a new Robe en Chemise (or chemise dress if I'm not feeling French) made from mauve silk broadcloth.

Filed under: 1780s, Costume College
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