My Blog » Costume College 2017 What I Wore

Costume College 2017 - What I wore

And now for what I wore!

Friday during the day I wore my blue striped cotton dress that I made for the Jane Austen Festival, paired with the collared chemisette, and coral earrings from Dames a la Mode.

Photo courtsey of my friend, Llyra Lee.

I was particularly pleased with how my hair came out that day, despite burning my forehead with the curling iron. I used a new curly hair clip and braided hair band to agument my thin hair and finished the whole thing off with a wrap of sheer striped silk.

Then for the Friday night social I pulled out my grey riding habit that I made for Williamsburg last fall and wore again this past spring to an 18th century tea.

Photo courtsey of my friend, Llyra Lee.

Saturday day I wore a new outfit completely comprised of older pieces. I paired my white 1790s dress with my teal wool spencer. I actually made both pieces to wear together, but never did! I added some pink coral earrings from Dames a la Mode (surprise, surprise), and an antique necklace I found in the Costume College marketplace that day.


For the Gala, I debuted a new 1786-87 cream wool redingote and giant fluffy cap. Based off a portrait I saw at the Huntington Library a few years ago, the redingote was not my original Gala plan, but I couldn’t be happier with it!  I’ll have more construction details in future, but here are a few photos for now.

With both the redigote and riding habit, I'm wearing full wigs by the increidbly talented Jenny la Fleur. She has amazing hair and makeup styling skills!

Posted: 8/23/2017 9:20:46 PM by Aubry | with comments
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Project Details

1786 Cream Wool Redigote
1780-1782 Grey Riding Habit
Aqua Striped Dress
Teal Wool Spencer
Little White Dress and Pink Spencer

