My Blog » 2017 Sewing Year Review

2017 Sewing Year Review

Time for the annual year-end review. This was a bit of a lean year in terms of sewing and creativity for me, but I’m very proud of everything I made. My goal over the past year, like previous years, has been to focus on quality not quantity, and I feel that it showed in my work. That’s not to say that everything I made it perfect, but I actively tried to grow my skills and choose to redo things until I was happy with the result. Nothing like practice to keep you sharp.

Completed Projects –
1780s Sheer Black Ruffled Mantle
18th century white linen petticoat
18th century white silk petticoat
1786 Cream Redingote
1780s Fluffy Organza Cap
1790s Aqua Stripe Dress
1790s Collared Chemisette
1790s Transitional Stays
1790s Green Silk Reticule
1790-92 Blue Figured Jacket
1790 Aqua Tall Hat
Large square silk fichu
Swan print McCalls 6503 dress
Frolic print Cotton & Chalk Rosie dress
Liberty print Deer & Doe Bruyere dress
Frolic print maxi dress that was then turned into a McCalls 6503 dress
Rifle Paper Co print Deer & Doe Bruyere dress
In Progress Projects –
Large Faux Fur Muff
Late 1780s- early 1790s Cream silk mantle
Costume Events and Travel –
1780s Big Ass Hat Tea (April)
Louisville Jane Austen Festival (July)
Costume College (July)
Holiday Trip to Williamsburg (December)

I’m not making many resolutions for the new year – just to keep sewing and stop buying fabric! I know I will certainly break the last one, but a girl has to try!
Posted: 1/12/2018 12:05:22 PM by Aubry | with comments
Filed under: year end review
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