My Blog » 2013 Year End Review

2013 Year End Review

2013 was in interesting year. I wasn't nearly as productive as I was in 2012, but despite a sewing slump at the end of the year, I'm really proud of everything I made this year. I feel that my skills are continuing to improve and my goal for 2014 is to focus on quality rather than quantity. At the moment I only have two events planned for the coming year, so I want to take this opportunity to slow down, to concentrate on making each outfit to the best of my ability and avoid rushing through the project just to get to the next.

2013 Costumes:

1810 grey evening gown, version 1 and redo (not blogged yet)
Lambkins muff cover
Blue wool short cape
Checked organdy cap
Started but not finished:
Liberty print sundress
Checked 50s blouse
Vacations and Events:
Anniversary trip to D.C.- April
Salt Lake City - October

Posted: 12/31/2013 12:50:16 PM by Aubry | with comments
Filed under: year end review
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