My Blog » First Costume Event of 2012

First Costume Event of 2012

I’m back from a lovely weekend in Virginia and Pennsylvania.

Friday I drove down to Jenny-Rose’s house and then Saturday we hit the road to attend the 1st annual Francaise Dinner! Kat was nice enough to let us stay at her house and we arrived with plenty of time to leisurely get dressed. I can’t remember the last time that happened!

The dinner was really lovely. The dresses were beautiful, the food was tasty, and my vegetarian option was not veggie pasta. (Hooray!) I loved the ambience of the room and it was really great to have everyone at one long table.  I do wish I had mingled a bit more, but my pocket hoops were very uncomfortable for some reason (too full?), so I spent the evening sitting as much as possible.

I’m really pleased with how my outfit came together as a whole. I wore my new rose francaise with my teal short cloak, brown velvet muff, cream mitts, and new blue shoes. I also wore a vintage pink paste necklace and vintage flowers in my hair.

I didn’t take very many pictures because of the low lighting, but what I have is here on Flickr.

Posted: 2/8/2012 4:47:02 PM by Aubry | with comments
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Project Details

Rose Francaise

