My Blog » The Lovely Blog Award

The Lovely Blog Award

I’ve been nominated for my first blog award! The talented Quinn was kind enough to nominate me for the One Lovely Blog Award. Thank you! Unfortunately, I’m more than a little late in getting to this, but I hope you will excuse my tardiness.


The Rules:

1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Add the ‘One Lovely Blog Award’ image to your post.
3. Share seven things about you. 
4. Pass the award on to seven nominees. 
5. Include this set of rules.  
6. Inform your nominees by posting a comment on their blogs.
1.    1.  I can’t imagine life without pets.
I’ve spent my whole life surrounded by animals. I grew up in a rural area and we always had a herd of critters – dogs, cats, horses, ducks, and even the occasional rabbit and frog were included in the menagerie. My husband and I currently have three cats, and they bring so much joy and affection to our lives. They are our family.
2.    2.  I’ve been a vegetarian for over ten years.
After reading #1 this probably doesn’t surprise you, right?
3.    3.   One of my main ambitions in life is to travel the world.
I love to travel and have always wanted to see the world. I was lucky enough to visit England and France last spring, but I don’t want to stop there. Iceland, Scotland, Greece, the Caribbean, and tons more are all on my list of places to go next. Narrowing it down is the hard part.
4.    4.   When I’m away, I get homesick for West Virginia.
While I love to travel, I’ve never seen any other place I would want to live permanently. I love WV, flaws and all, and feel a deep connection to the land. It’s hard to explain but I always feel such relief to get back to my mountains and trees.
5. I’ve always lived in an old home.
Most of my childhood and all of my adult life has been spent in homes that were 90+ years old. The house my husband and I currently own was built in 1892 and I love the unique character and history each old home has.
6.       6. I’ve met some of my best friends through the world of costuming.
I went to my first Costume College in 2006 and since then, I have been privileged to not only meet, but also become friends with so many amazing people. It’s an incredible community!
7.      7.  Ok, coming up with seven random facts is quite hard! I’ve run out of interesting things to mention so I will share my favorite food – toast, particularly homemade bread with homemade jam. Yum!
There are so many incredible costumers out there that I had a very difficult time narrowing it down to seven people I wanted to nominate. Plus, I have to confess I’m very shy when it comes to this sort of thing. So I’ll just say that the community as a whole is incredibly inspiring and full of lovely, lovely people!

Posted: 2/23/2013 12:29:24 PM by Aubry | with comments
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