Recently, my husband and I were lucky enough to take a two week trip to England and Paris. Even better, I was able to visit my dear friend Megan and we enjoyed a day of dress up at a nearby English country estate,
Kedleston Hall, followed by tea and gambling at Megan’s. We were joined by Megan’s mom and a couple of her local friends.
The back of Kedleston Hall. You may recognize this from
The Duchess.
Kedleston Hall is a beautiful example of 18th century Palladian architecture. The house and interiors are gorgeous, but I loved the grounds even more. The back of the house features a pleasure garden (a "pretty sort of wilderness" came to mind) surrounded by feilds of sheep. Yeah, I could live there.
I managed to finish my new pink striped polonaise jacket in time for the trip. I was excited to have a new outfit to wear in England, but I completely underestimated the English weather. I guess after attending so many 18
th century events in the hot Virginia summer, I’ve been conditioned to make light summery outfits. But it was decidedly not summery in England! I would have frozen to death, but Megan was kind enough to loan me a cloak, faux fur muff, and extra petticoat. Also, we were very lucky that our day out was one of about four sunny days we had on the whole trip.
My husband doesn’t dress up, but he was such a good sport. He played photographer for the day (putting up with my bossy instructions), and carried my cloak. He even joined in the tea and gambling later, although he lost nearly our whole estate. ;)

The ever-lovely Megan and I admiring the cascade and sheep.
I’ll share more construction details later, but for now I’m wearing a cotton polonaise jacket with matching petticoat trimmed in white cotton voile. Also, I’m wearing a new cotton cap, my blue silk shoes, and a straw hat trimmed in teal silk taffeta. There are a few bodice wrinkles as usual (can’t seem to win despite days of patterning), but overall I’m happy with the finished outfit.
5/14/2012 5:10:24 PM by
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