My Blog » A Picture of My Sweetheart

A Picture of My Sweetheart

Over the past year I’ve been crossing off a lot of things on my 18th century costume wish list – silk shoes, paste necklace, embroidered garters, and now a miniature of my sweetheart!

For one of my Christmas presents last year, I commissioned a miniature of my husband from the lovely Gwendolyn at Idewild Illustre. I have no painting or drawing skills, so this seemed like the best way to have a personalized miniature of my own. My husband isn’t into costuming or reenacting, so this was the only way I could get him into 18th century clothing. ;) Gwendolyn did a fantastic job of capturing my husband’s likeness, even down to his smug, half-smile. I can’t wait to carry him around with me to events.

I’ve had my finished miniature for a few months now but haven’t worn it yet. I’m still looking for the perfect frame for my miniature. I’ve bought several, but I haven’t found one that fits the slightly odd oval shape. When I do, you can bet I will be wearing this with everything!

Posted: 10/9/2012 8:30:12 PM by Aubry | with comments
Filed under: 1770s: accessories
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