My Blog » The Start of an 18th Century Sewing Kit

The Start of an 18th Century Sewing Kit

I may not reenact but I am a sucker for all things 18th century, and sewing accessories in particular. I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem. Lately I've felt the urge to put together a period sewing kit, starting with a work bag and matching pincushion.

Often you see antique work bags that are heavily embroidered or decorated. Eventually I would like to make one like that, but first I decided to make a simple one from some brocaded silk taffeta. I think it has a very neoclassical design that works perfectly for the late 18th century/early 19th century. The silk is left over from a pair of stays I made years ago and I had just enough to make use of the two motifs for the bag and pincusion.

The work bag is lined in pink silk taffeta and both pieces are finished with tassels made from pink silk floss. For accessories, so far I've purchased a nice pair of embroidery scissors, reproduction pins, and some antique mother of pearl gaming chips to use as thread winders. I'm still on the hunt for the perfect needle case and thimble.

Speaking of 18th century sewing accessories, I have to share the amazing knitted pinball my friend Katherine made for me. She is the only person I know who is crazy enough to not only knit two for herself but several for others as well! She is just awesome!


Not only is it my favorite colors, but sn't that squirrel just the cutest thing ever? I love him to bits and pieces.  :) I am one lucky costumer!

Posted: 10/6/2012 11:42:08 AM by Aubry | with comments
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