My Blog » A Day on the Town, Colonial Style

A Day on the Town, Colonial Style

For me, a trip to Williamsburg isn’t complete without spending at least one day exploring the historic district in 18th century costume. I have so few opportunities to wear the costumes I make in such a perfect setting, that it feels like a waste not to take advantage of the opportunity. So, when I traveled down for the Burnley and Trowbridge jacket workshop last November, I planned in an extra day just to play dress up in town.

I planned to meet my friend Samantha, of The Couture Courtesan, one morning of my trip and she was kind enough to show my all her favorite spots in town, and indulged my search for the perfect fall tree to use as a backdrop. We had our shade portraits taken, looked at shiny things to buy, visited some trade shops, and met some more friends for lunch. It was a wonderful way to spend the day!

I made a new circa 1780-1782 riding habit specifically for the trip. The waist coat and habit shirt are from my previous habit, but the jacket and petticoat were new. In these photos, its worn over my old 1780s linen stays, a new quilted bumpad, and one linen petticoat (but I definitely needed a second one). I paired the habit with my old Fugewee Connie shoes, pretty paste earrings from Dames a la Mode, and a wool hat from Target that I decorated with vintage ostrich plumes, vintage black ribbon, and an antique cut steel buckle. I would have loved to have had a large walking stick or riding crop to use as a photo prop, since nearly every image of a riding habit features one, but alas, my imagination had to do on this occasion.  


As you can probably tell, I had a lot of fun playing photographer that day. The autum light was so beautiful and Samatha looked practially ethereal in her gauzy white gown.

And of course, no visit to Williamsburg is complete without sheep!

Posted: 9/21/2017 11:24:45 AM by Aubry | with comments
Filed under: 1780s, events, friends
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Project Details

1780-1782 Grey Riding Habit

